Deployments FAQ

What databases do you offer?

GrapheneDB is a hosting provider for Neo4j .

Do you offer different database plans?

Yes. At GrapheneDB, we offer a broad spectrum of plans for different data set sizes and workloads. Plans have been designed to ensure enough resources for each dataset size. You can find more info on Database plans here.

How many databases can I deploy?

You can have as many paid databases in your account for as long as you want.

Which limits are enforced?

GrapheneDB does not enforce any artificial limits on data transfer, bandwidth or concurrent connections. Data storage is limited only by disk size.

How do I create a database?

In order to create a new database, you need to have an Organization and Environment created. Once you’re in the Environment where you want your database deployed, navigate to the Databases tab > + Create Database button. Detailed information on database creation can be found here.

What operations can I perform with my database?

There are many self-service operations that you can run for your databases, which allows you to easily manage your deployments. Some of those operations are:

How can I see the prices of paused deployments?

With the Pause/Resume feature, you can stop a deployment when not in use and resume when you want to use it, paying only a small fraction of the price. This can greatly help reduce the costs for your non-production databases. In the Overview section of your database Dashboard, you’ll be able to see the price of your paused database. More details on this topic can be found in this article.

How does your billing works?

With GrapheneDB, the costs for a database plan (running or paused) and extras added to it (read-replicas and snapshots policies) are prorated by the hour. Important to know is that billing happens at the Organization level. More information on our billing process can be found here.

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